Pupil Premium & Covid Recovery Funding
Pupil Premium funding is additional funding given to schools to support pupils who are eligible. There are a variety of reasons why your child may be entitled to this funding which includes:
- If they are on Free School Meals or have been at any point in the last 6 years
- If they are a Looked After Child (in the care of the Local Authority)
- If they have previously been a Looked After Child and are now adopted from care or are under a Special Guardianship Order or a Child Arrangements Order or a Residence Order
- If they have a parent in the military or has been in the military over the past 5 years or are in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence
Pupil Premium at St Aidan's
The Government believes school leaders are best placed to assess their pupils’ needs and use the funding to improve attainment, drawing on evidence of effective practice. It is up to school leaders to decide how to spend the pupil premium.
Evidence suggests that pupil premium spending is most effective when schools use a tiered approach, targeting spending across 3 areas, with a particular focus on teaching. Therefore, at St Aidan's we focus on:
Investing in High Quality Teaching
Targeted Academic Support
Wider Opportunities, including pastoral support, so that every child has the opportunity to succeed
Our range of targeted strategies are reviewed regularly by Senior Leaders and Governors. Strategies are evidenced based and we take into account national research as well as reviewing approaches that have been used in school to determine whether they have been effective for our children or not. This academic year (2022-23) the school has been allocated £94,723 of funding which includes the Recovery Premium Funding amd additional Covid related funding, aimed at supporting identified pupils who's education has been affected by the pandemic.
St Aidan's CE Primary School is part of the Axia Learning Alliance which is a Mutual Cooperative Foundation Trust and is a member of the Cooperative Schools Network. We passionately share the Cooperative Values and Principles. As a Cooperative School, our pupil premium strategy is underpinned by our Cooperative Values which are:
Self-help Self-responsibility Equality Democracy Ethical Values
Click the links below to find out more details about how the school spends the Pupil Premium money that we receive and the impact that it has on the children in school.