St Aidan’s C.E. Primary School


Relationships and Health Education


Curriculum Leader: Mrs A. Baron


Statement of intent 

At St Aidan's, we believe that children should be curious about their learning.  Through our engaging and inclusive curriculum, ‘Live, Laugh, Love, Learn!’ we ensure that children can foster a passion for learning that will help to develop high aspirations and a lifetime of memories. We believe in ensuring that children receive a broad-balanced curriculum; where individual talents can be spotted and nurtured to ensure that all children experience success and reach their full potential. 

We believe an exciting and engaging curriculum is one of the key foundations of any successful school as we want our learners to be highly motivated as we feed that thirst for knowledge and of course provide the opportunities to develop existing skills while discovering new ones.

At St Aidan's, 'Every child matters and more importantly, they know they matter!'

We understand that pupils must be provided with an education that prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. A key part of this relates to relationships and health education, which must be delivered to every primary-aged pupil. Primary schools also have the option to decide whether pupils are taught sex education. 

Relationships education focuses on giving pupils the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships, and to build their self-efficacy. Health education focuses on equipping pupils with the knowledge they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing. 

We understand our responsibility to deliver a high-quality, age-appropriate and evidence-based relationships, sex and health curriculum for all our pupils. Our policy sets out the framework for our relationships, sex and health curriculum, providing clarity on how it is informed, organised and delivered.   Our school chooses to follow the EYFS Framework Early Learning Goals (ELG's) for Reception Class and PSHE Association Scheme of Work, adapted and enhanced through quality provision.

This document reflects the fact that P.S.E.D., P.S.H.E. and Relationships Sex and Health Curriculum is central to the educational entitlement of all children and being cross curricular permeates all aspects of school life. 



Delivery of the curriculum 

  • The relationships, sex and health curriculum will be delivered as part of our PSED/PSHE curriculum
  • Through effective organisation and delivery of the subject, we will ensure that: 
  • Core knowledge is sectioned into units of manageable size. 
  • The required content is communicated to pupils clearly, in a carefully sequenced way, within a planned scheme of work. 
  • Teaching includes sufficient and well-chosen opportunities and contexts for pupils to embed new knowledge so that it can be used confidently in real-life situations.
  • Pupils are motivated and nurtured to reach full potential 


  • The curriculum is delivered proactively, such that it addresses issues in a timely way in line with current evidence on children’s physical, emotional and sexual development. 
  • Teaching of the curriculum reflects requirements set out in law, particularly the Equality Act 2010, so that pupils understand what the law does and does not allow, and the wider legal implications of the decisions they make. 
  • The school ensures that all teaching and materials are appropriate for the ages of the pupils, their religious backgrounds, their developmental stages and any additional needs, such as SEND. 
  • Lesson plans will provide opportunities and experiences with appropriate challenge for pupils and be differentiated for pupils’ needs. 


  • Pupils will be prevented from accessing inappropriate materials on the internet when using such to assist with their learning. The prevention measures taken to ensure this are outlined in the school’s Online Safety Policy.  
  • Teachers will establish what is appropriate for one-to-one and whole-class settings, and alter their teaching of the programme accordingly. 
  • Teachers will ensure that pupils’ views are listened to and will encourage them to ask questions and engage in discussion. Teachers will answer questions sensitively, honestly and appropriate to the pupil’s age. 
  • Teachers will ensure that lesson plans are centred around reducing stigma, particularly in relation to mental wellbeing, and encouraging openness through discussion activities and group work. 
  • Teachers will ensure lesson plans focus on challenging perceived views of pupils based on protected characteristics, through exploration of, and developing mutual respect for, those different to themselves. 
  • Any resources or materials used to support learning will be formally assessed by the school leadership team before use to ensure they are appropriate for the age and maturity of pupils, and sensitive to their needs. 
  • At all points of delivery of the SRE programme, parents will be consulted, and their views will be valued. What will be taught and how, will be planned in conjunction with parents.  
  • Whilst there are no formal examinations for the relationships, sex and health curriculum, the school will undertake informal assessments to determine pupil progress – these include the following: 
  • Group presentations 
  • Group tasks 
  • Projects 


Curriculum links 

  1. The school seeks opportunities to draw links between relationshipssex and health education and other curriculum subjects wherever possible to enhance pupils’ learning. 
  1. Relationshipssex and health education will be linked to the following subjects in particular: 
  • Science – pupils learn about the main external parts of the body and changes to the body as it grows from birth to old age, including puberty. 
  • Computing and ICT – pupils learn about online safety, including how to use technology safely, responsiblyrespectfully and securely, how to keep personal information private and how to access help and support. 
  • PE  pupils explore various physical activities, are physically active for sustained periods of time, engage in competitive sport and understand how exercise can lead to healthier lifestyles. 
  • Citizenship  pupils learn about the requirements of the law, their responsibilities and the possible consequences of their actions.  
  • PSHE  pupils learn about respect and difference, values and characteristics of individuals
  • EYFS - PSED 2021 Framework. 



  • Pupils are given the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships, and to build their self-efficacy
  • Pupils are given the knowledge they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing
  • Pupils have accessed a high-quality, age-appropriate and evidence-based relationships, sex and health curriculum


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