British Values

Promoting British Values at St Aidan’s CE Primary School


Curriculum Leader: Mrs T.O'Sullivan


At St Aidan’s CE Primary School we recognise the importance of promoting these values and ensure we audit all such teaching and learning opportunities, including continued professional development. St Aidan’s is a Christian school and our mission statement supports our ethos of togetherness and respect in a democratic society.

  • Enable students to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Enable students to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law of England
  • Encourage students to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely
  • Enable students to acquire a broad general knowledge of and respect for public institutions and services in England
  • Further tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions by enabling students to acquire an appreciation for and respect for their own and other cultures
  • Encourage respect for other people, and
  • Encourage respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic processes, including respect for the basis on which the law is made and applied in England.
  • Encourage respect for other people, paying particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in the Equality Act 2010.
  • Acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; the pupils develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.'
  • Addressing British values through the curriculum





At St Aidan’s CE Primary School we teach these values regularly through a range of activities, introducing and incorporating these through our R.E. SMSC and P.R.S.H.C.E Curriculum, whilst also including further opportunities to develop other aspects through various subjects, topics or themes. These opportunities are enhanced through our social emotional aspects of learning that lay the foundations for mutual respect and tolerance in a multi-cultural society. We actively celebrate diversity, disability and equal opportunities by working in unison with other schools and community organisations.


At St Aidan’s pupils contribute to annual ‘class charters’ and ‘rainbow of rights’. We have a school council and who meet regularly to discuss issues raised and have their voices heard. They may enter into local debates at council chambers with other schools and pro-actively support charities of their choice each year. School Council members are elected annually by their class members. In addition KS2 pupils have an annual questionnaire with which they are able to put forward their views about the school.

The Rule Of Law

The importance of Laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are consistently reinforced throughout regular school days, as well as when dealing with behaviour and through school assemblies. Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. Visits from authorities such as the Police and Fire Service help reinforce this message.

Individual Liberty

Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries for young pupils to make choices safely, through provision of a safe environment and empowering education.  Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our Online Safety and PSHE/RSE lessons. Whether it be through choice of learning challenge, of how they record, of participation in our numerous extra-curricular clubs and opportunities, pupils are given the freedom to make choices.

Mutual Respect

Mutual respect is at the heart of our values. Children learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others. They learn that their actions have consequences. All members of the school community are reminded and encouraged to treat each other with respect. (Rights respecting rainbows, in- class displays developed at the beginning of the academic year)

Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs

St Aidan’s CE Primary is situated in an area which is not greatly culturally diverse, therefore we place a great emphasis on promoting diversity with the children. Assemblies are regularly planned to address this issue either directly or through the inclusion of stories and celebrations from a variety of faiths and cultures. Our RE, PSHE reinforce this. Members of different faiths or religions are encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within classes and the school. Children visit places of worship that are important to different faiths.


  • Pupils are equipped with fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; the pupils develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.'

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