Mrs Finch's Blog 7/9/20

Date: 6th Sep 2020 @ 1:12pm

I don't know about you but I think that first week has flown by! I know it was only 4 days but if feels like we've never been away.  It has been so lovely to see the children with their friends again.  I know it's been strange and things have been very different to how they were back in March but the children have easily adapted and coped admirably with all the changes.  Things are still being tweaked and we will constantly be reviewing all our practice to make sure that our St Aidan's family is kept as safe as possible.  

The main problem for us is the bits we can't control. Please remember your facemask when picking up and dropping off and please limit the number of adults to one per family when on school grounds.  We have had to ask some older siblings to wait outside the grounds away from the school gates as it is causing unnecessary congestion in some areas.  We also need the little ones to stay with the adults in the junior yard, please don't let them play on the equipment as it will not have been sanitised after upper KS2 have used it.

As always we thank you for your support with this - it's so important, now more than ever.  I know some of it might seem quite confusing and some parents have asked about the rationale of bubbles when there are siblings in different bubbles but we are simply following government guidelines and limiting the contact between children and adults when in school.  

On another note I will be creating a new page on the website for our celebration certificates, the children no longer get to recieve them infront of the whole school so this will be a nice way of helping them to celebrate.

This week we have our new Reception children joining us in Busy Bees.  They will be in school from Wednesday afternoon and I am sure that they are all very excited about starting their new adventure. I can't wait to meet them all!

Have a great week everyone!

Mrs F x

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