Mrs Finch's Blog 31/08/20

Date: 31st Aug 2020 @ 8:59am

With only one more day to go until the children return to school I am sure that some of you are feeling quite anxious.

Here's a simple reminder of what you'll need to do tomorrow:

  1. Doors will open at 8.50am - please try not to arrive too early to avoid queuing/gathering in the playground

  2. Please use the entrance designated for your child's year group - you will be able to leave upper juniors at the gate to their yard and they can walk straight in by themselves.

  3. The car park will be closed at 8.45am as this will be used as a pedestrian entrance for Reception (when they start) and Year 1.

  4. Children should wear black leggings/joggers/shorts, white polo shirt, school jumper/cardigan and trainers. They should only bring their coat, named water bottle, school bag, lunch box and PE pumps in their bag - there is no need to bring any other item from home.

  5. Parents will not be allowed in to the school building during drop off and pick up time.

  6. At the end of the day please wait in your designated pick up areas, maintaining a 2m social distance from others.

  7. Due to the small size of our premises we ask that all adults please wear a face mask - unless they are exempt.

  8. If anyone is at all unwell then we ask you to please stay at home. If anyone becomes unwell in school then we will phone home for them to be collected - please let us know asap if you have changed contact numbers.

Finally, please don't worry, we are here to help and answer any questions that you may have. We are looking forward to having the children back in school but we are aware that it is going to be very different and there will be changes as we go along. Please keep an eye out for updates.


Mrs F x

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