Mrs Finch's Blog 28/9/20
Date: 27th Sep 2020 @ 6:36pm
We ended last week on such a high! We crowned our head boy, head girl and prefects on Friday. Their faces were an absolute delight to see! Although their role will be very different to previous years, I know they will do us all proud and represent school admirably throughout the year.
This week we are starting the week with a non-uniform day to start our Harvest celebrations, please don't forget your tin/packet food donations for wearing yor own clothes. Over the week the childrne will be completing activities linked to Harvest so don't forget to keep a look out on their class page to see what they've been up to.
As we are moving away from sending paper letters out I will be emailing my newsletter to parents as well as putting it on here. Our recent online survey indicated that most people regularly check our facebook page or the school website for updates so that's the way we are heading with communication. Don't worry though, we'll always send a back up text message as a reminder if there's something really important coming up.
Have a great week,
Mrs F x