Mrs Finch's Blog 1/6/20

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 6:47am

Well here we are again! I was expecting to be welcoming some more children in to school this week until the announcement on Wednesday night by Lancashire County Council came that schools were being advised not to open up to YR, 1 and 6.  I have to say I was relieved that someone had finally seen sense.  It worried me that the few children who were due to come back in would have seen a very different place to what they remembered and wanted to come back to.  When the time is right we'll make the transition back in to school a smooth one.  Scientific evidence may say that we could reopen in a couple of weeks, it could say leave it until September, we just don't know.

In the meantime,remember that we are always here and easily contactable via email or messenger.  The teacher's blogs are back up and running this week and I can't wait to see what wonderful work everyone does at home.  Keeping the children's brains active is so important right now, keeping that love for learning alive will make sure that they adapt easily to being back in the classroom when the time comes.

As I get updates from the government and Lancashire County Council, I will keep you all informed with the plans for next steps.  Email has proved to be the most effective way of communicating as you can reply instantly.  As I've said before, we find ourselves in very uncertain times and I am so grateful for the support that we have had from parents. Again I want to reiterate that this support is mutual.  As parents, we know what is best for our children and we are fully supportive of each individuals decision, I just please ask that you keep us informed at each step of the way.  Knowing how many children we are expecting and when makes so much difference to our little school.  It means that for those who do need to attend school we can keep things as 'normal' as possible, we can make sure that they have everything they need to feel safe and secure in what is now a somewhat strange environment.

Children - your challenge for this week is to find the letters of your name in nature.  Mrs Wade posted a similar challenge for Scorpions a while back so you'll have a head start.  I'll post mine later in the week!

Take care and stay safe

Mrs F x

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