Mrs Finch's Blog 15/6/20

Date: 14th Jun 2020 @ 9:29am

Good morning St Aidan’s!

This morning, yet again, we await news from LCC about whether or not we are advised to reopen school to YR, 1 and 6.  As we see other restrictions being lifted by the government we are able to mix more in small bubbles but there is still the worry of such a large group of families coming together in a relatively small space.  Once again, as soon as I hear any news I will contact parents to clarify their intentions for sending the children back in to school and as always I will support your decision wholeheartedly.


We now know that the children in Y2,3,4 and 5 won’t be returning to school until September and I honestly think that is a wise decision.  The teacher’s are all busy writing end of year reports and there are lots of discussions taking place about exactly where your children were up to in terms of their learning when school closed on the 20th March.  I really do want to reassure everyone that the children won’t be expected to simply pick up where they left off or start the new year without actually completing the previous one.  So many parents have contacted me worrying that their child is going to ‘fall behind’ because they aren’t in school or because they aren’t completing all the home learning tasks.  Don’t worry – there is no ‘behind’ as everyone in the country is in the same situation.  I know I’ve said this before but as the weeks draw on I know everyone is becoming more anxious.


 My son Archie is in year 5 and this week he asked me how is he supposed to start year 6 when he hasn’t finished learning all the stuff from year 5 yet.  My answer to him was simple, keep doing a little bit every day to keep your mind active and your brain working but most of all don’t worry. Your teachers know what they’re doing and they know what has and hasn’t been learnt already, they’ll know where the gaps are, they’ll want to make sure that you and your friends are ok before they start teaching anything new. 


I know it’s difficult to get the children doing their home learning, believe me I’ve had the same battles as most of you.  Work with what the children are interested in, make it a challenge, make it fun.  There is a survey on the website this week to find out who is accessing the home learning, which bits the children really enjoy and which bits are the most difficult.  By finding this out we can make sure that we are encouraging the children to complete some work by giving them things they’d like to do.  Please be honest in your answers, no one is going to be contacted if you say your child hasn’t done anything – we just want to know how we can help.


My challenge for the children this week is a physical one.  I’ve attached a challenge sheet – can you do all the activities that spell out your name?  I’m in school this week so look out for the video’s as I get the children in school to do theirs too!


Take care and stay safe,

Mrs F x

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