Home Learning

Please use the links below to access home learning.

New link Lancashire Maths Page - activities for Rec to Y6

BBC Bitesize  Help with many KS2 subjects.

Scratch Coding website used in ICT lessons.

Free e-books - Oxford Owl

Spag.com - children have their own password for this site.

Times Table Rock Stars - children have their own passwords for this site. Same site for Numbots.

Purplemash - children have their own password

Storyline Online - free ebooks read by famous actors and actresses.

Joe Wicks 5 Minute Move Kids Workout - Keep active by taking part in some fun and energising workouts

iMove - free 14 day trial.

https://lancashireschoolgames.co.uk/stay-in-work-out/ Lancashire School Games have put together fun weekly timetables for both Key Stage 1 and 2. They are great ways for the whole family to stay active and develop your skills.

https://www.vooks.com/resources animated storybooks parents can use this link for a free month trial www.vooks.com/parents-resources 


Especially recommended for EYFS:

Phonics Play 

Teach Your Monsters To Read

Phonics Pop

Top Mark Maths maths games for 3 year olds and up

Storyline Online - free ebooks read by famous actors and actresses.

Twinkl Go - use code KW8270

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