
There is a homework policy available on request and homework is set daily. Teachers will set homework according to the individual needs of children and of each age group. This work will cover such areas as:

  • Learning spellings and multiplication tables

  • Reading

  • Extension/consolidation work from the curriculum

We feel that it is of vital importance that children should read at home on a regular basis – DAILY IN MOST CASES - and we recommend parents spend time reading with their children in a quiet relaxed atmosphere. A home/school reading programme is in operation and further information and advice on how you can help your child is always available.

Children in their final year at school will be set more specific homework tasks as they prepare for their end of year tests and also to establish valuable learning habits for their time at High School.

Staff appreciate parent’s support in ensuring that homework is completed neatly and returned to school on the correct day. If you have any queries about the amount of time that your child is spending on homework, please do not hesitate to contact the class teacher to discuss it.

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